Updated Reference Guide Now Available November 22, 2019

CMS has recently released Version 3.0 of the WCMSA Reference Guide. Changes in this version of the guide include updated addresses for reporting workers’ compensation cases; for sending yearly WCMSA account attestations; and for sending WCMSA proposals, final settlements, and re-review requests (Sections 2.2, 17.5, and 17.6). Also, changes to the Self Administration Toolkit for WCMSAs include updates to “Death of a Claimant” information (Section 19.2). A policy and guidance link has been added for cases in which “frequently abused drugs” are prescribed for a claimant and highlights the expectations CMS has set regarding competent administration of WCMSA funds in these type of situations (Sections 17.1 and 17.3). Another notable change is that CMS has provided clarification on how hospital fee schedules are determined (Section 9.4.3). The Life Table link has also been updated (Section 10.3). In addition, the time period for submission of amended review requests has been extended to 6 years (Section 16.2). Lastly, as of April 1, 2020, all Consent to Release forms must be revised to include new required language indicating that the beneficiary reviewed the submission package and understands the WCMSA intent, submission process, and associated administration. (Section 10.2 and Appendix 6: 10 – Consent to Release Note). This section of the consent form must include at least the beneficiary’s initials to indicate their validation.